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Popular Paraguayan Rock Music Artists

Discover Paraguayan Rock music with top artists, albums and listen to songs with tempo, key distribution statistics

Discover which keys and tempos are mostly used in Paraguayan Rock music

Every artist can be associated to more than one genre. Please take into account that the data is not always 100% accurate. Some songs could have been measured with double or half-time counting!

Rocking Paraguay Rock out to the sounds of Paraguayan rock music. List of over 6000 music genres and subgenres
Song Title Tempo Preview Popularity Listen on Spotify Key Camelot

Most used keys for paraguayan rock music

Most used fundamental keys for paraguayan rock music

Most used tempo/BPM for paraguayan rock music

The average tempo is 117 BPM calculated from 8 songs with a standard deviation of 0.00

Top artists for paraguayan rock in our database

Ovejas Negras

Ovejas Negras

The popularity on Spotify is 8 with 3034 followers. Listen on


The popularity on Spotify is 6 with 1458 followers. Listen on