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Popular New Age Music Artists

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New age music, with its ethereal soundscapes and ambient textures, offers a journey of relaxation and introspection for listeners seeking solace in a hectic world. Rooted in spirituality and mindfulness, new age music draws inspiration from a variety of sources, including classical, electronic, and world music traditions. In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the intricate world of new age music, examining the instruments, keys, tempos, and common elements that define the genre.

I. Instruments in New Age Music:

  1. Synthesizers and Keyboards: Crafting Ethereal Soundscapes
    • Synthesizers and keyboards are essential instruments in new age music, allowing composers to create lush and otherworldly soundscapes.
    • From the shimmering pads of a digital synthesizer to the cascading arpeggios of a grand piano, synthesizers and keyboards provide the harmonic foundation and atmospheric textures that define the genre.
  2. Flutes and Woodwinds: Evoking Natural Beauty
    • Flutes and woodwinds are often featured in new age music, evoking the serene beauty of nature and the tranquility of the outdoors.
    • Whether it's the haunting melodies of a Native American flute or the gentle trills of a bamboo flute, flutes and woodwinds add a sense of organic warmth and depth to new age music compositions.
  3. Strings and Ambient Guitars: Creating Emotional Depth
    • Strings and ambient guitars play a crucial role in new age music, adding emotional depth and resonance to the arrangement.
    • From the soaring strings of a symphonic orchestra to the atmospheric strums of an electric guitar, strings and ambient guitars enhance the sonic palette of new age music and evoke a sense of wonder and contemplation.
  4. Percussion and Rhythmic Textures: Establishing Mood and Atmosphere
    • Percussion instruments and rhythmic textures are used sparingly in new age music to establish mood and atmosphere without disrupting the overall sense of tranquility.
    • From the subtle shakers and bells of a percussion ensemble to the ambient drones and loops of electronic samples, percussion and rhythmic textures add a sense of movement and flow to new age music compositions.
  5. Vocals and Choral Harmonies: Conveying Spiritual Themes
    • Vocals and choral harmonies are sometimes featured in new age music, conveying spiritual themes and invoking a sense of awe and reverence.
    • Whether it's the angelic choirs of a Gregorian chant or the ethereal vocals of a new age vocalist, vocals and choral harmonies add a transcendent quality to new age music compositions and elevate the listener to a higher plane of consciousness.

II. Keys and Tempos in New Age Music:

  1. Key Considerations
    • New age music often explores a wide range of keys, drawing inspiration from various tonalities and modalities to create a sense of spiritual depth and emotional resonance.
    • Key changes are used strategically to evoke different moods and atmospheres throughout a composition, with composers often favoring keys that resonate with the listener's innermost feelings and emotions.
  2. The Tempo Factor
    • Tempos in new age music tend to be slow and meditative, allowing listeners to relax and unwind as they immerse themselves in the music.
    • Popular tempos include around 60-80 beats per minute (bpm) for slow ambient pieces and 80-100 bpm for rhythmic meditations, creating a sense of spaciousness and tranquility in new age music compositions.

III. Common Elements in New Age Music:

  1. Ambient Soundscapes and Textures
    • Ambient soundscapes and textures are hallmark traits of new age music, creating a sense of expansiveness and serenity that invites listeners to journey inward.
    • Whether it's the swirling pads of a synthesizer or the distant echoes of a distant flute, ambient soundscapes and textures envelop the listener in a cocoon of tranquility and relaxation.
  2. Meditative Repetition and Minimalism
    • Meditative repetition and minimalism are common elements in new age music, with composers using simple motifs and recurring themes to create a sense of inner peace and stillness.
    • Whether it's the hypnotic arpeggios of a minimalist piano piece or the repetitive drones of an electronic meditation, meditative repetition and minimalism allow listeners to enter a state of deep relaxation and contemplation.
  3. Nature Sounds and Field Recordings
    • Nature sounds and field recordings are often incorporated into new age music, adding a sense of natural beauty and environmental awareness to the composition.
    • Whether it's the gentle rustle of leaves or the soothing sounds of flowing water, nature sounds and field recordings connect listeners to the rhythms of the earth and remind them of the interconnectedness of all living things.
  4. Spiritual Themes and Inspirations
    • Spiritual themes and inspirations are central to new age music, with composers drawing inspiration from Eastern philosophies, mystical traditions, and the natural world.
    • Whether it's the transcendent bliss of a Tibetan singing bowl or the cosmic wonder of a celestial choir, new age music invites listeners to explore the depths of their own consciousness and connect with the divine within.


In conclusion, new age music is a transformative and immersive genre that offers listeners a sanctuary of peace and tranquility in a chaotic world. From the ethereal soundscapes of a synthesizer to the meditative rhythms of a Tibetan chant, new age music provides a canvas for spiritual exploration and inner healing. By understanding the instruments, keys, tempos, and common elements that define the genre, listeners can embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-realization, finding solace and inspiration in the boundless depths of new age music.

We have analyzed a large amount of new age music Songs to give you an overview about key and tempo distributions in new age music. At the bottom of the page, you can find all sub-genres of new age music to get more details in specific sub-genres as the average tempo per genre.

Most used keys for New Age music

Most used fundamental keys for New Age music

Most used tempo/BPM for New Age music

List of New Age music subgenres with average tempo/bpm

Klick on the subgenre to get detailed statistics for harmonic and tempo distribubion of the subgenre.
Subgenre Average Tempo
528hz 93 bpm
8d 113 bpm
abstract 113 bpm
african experimental 125 bpm
ambient lo-fi 104 bpm
ambient synth 100 bpm
asmr 93 bpm
atmosphere 89 bpm
australian experimental 138 bpm
background music 100 bpm
bansuri 101 bpm
bhajan 113 bpm
binaural 100 bpm
birdsong 118 bpm
brain waves 100 bpm
broken transmission 105 bpm
calming instrumental 105 bpm
chakra 97 bpm
chalga 117 bpm
chill beats 117 bpm
classify 119 bpm
color noise 100 bpm
comfy synth 102 bpm
danish experimental 106 bpm
dronescape 105 bpm
duhovne pjesme
dutch experimental 94 bpm
environmental 96 bpm
erotic product 111 bpm
experimental synth 114 bpm
field recording 83 bpm
field recording ambient
fingerstyle 118 bpm
finnish experimental 120 bpm
focus 115 bpm
fourth world 111 bpm
glass 72 bpm
gregorian dance 109 bpm
guided meditation 106 bpm
handpan 121 bpm
hare krishna 116 bpm
healing 105 bpm
healing hz 98 bpm
high vibe 117 bpm
indian fusion 105 bpm
indian lo-fi 114 bpm
indonesian experimental 123 bpm
intelligent dance music 136 bpm
italian experimental
japanese instrumental 100 bpm
kundalini 105 bpm
lo-fi sleep 109 bpm
lowercase 117 bpm
lullaby 110 bpm
massage 103 bpm
meditation 100 bpm
mindfulness 86 bpm
modular synth 113 bpm
motivation 100 bpm
music box 117 bpm
musica de fondo 97 bpm
new age 112 bpm
new age piano 111 bpm
nu age 152 bpm
ocean 96 bpm
pet calming 101 bpm
pilates 67 bpm
pink noise 135 bpm
polish alternative 121 bpm
polish experimental
portuguese experimental
psalmen 106 bpm
quantum sound 114 bpm
rain 97 bpm
reiki 90 bpm
relaxative 94 bpm
shamanic 113 bpm
shush 86 bpm
singing bowl 94 bpm
sleep 94 bpm
slushwave 69 bpm
solfeggio product 97 bpm
sound 89 bpm
sound art 73 bpm
sound collage
sound effects 100 bpm
spa 108 bpm
spacesynth 127 bpm
spacewave 118 bpm
spanish experimental
study beats 106 bpm
subliminal product 110 bpm
swedish experimental 81 bpm
swiss experimental
tape music
therapy 106 bpm
tibetan mantra 131 bpm
tone 90 bpm
tribal ambient
turkish experimental
ukrainian experimental 121 bpm
vocal resources 123 bpm
warm drone
water 94 bpm
whale song 134 bpm
world chill 112 bpm
world devotional 98 bpm
world meditation 83 bpm
yoga 87 bpm
zen 95 bpm