Find Mixing or Music Ideas with Song Finder where you can filter our Music-Database by Genre, BPM and Key instantly with audio previews for many tracks. Analyse music with our Key BPM analyser and our free BPM tapper tool.

About me

Hi, I am Daniel from Germany.

Since all my life, I have had a strong passion for music and played guitar in several bands. I have a broad spectrum of musical tastes, ranging from Classical Music, over Jazz to many modern music styles like (old school) Hip Hop and Drum & Bass.

As life is sometimes unpredictable, my journey brought me to Thailand years ago, where I am now married to my lovely wife Maleewan. We operate an online business, selling handmade Thai clothes all over the world.

My education in Germany taught me the basics of PHP programming at a time when the concepts of frameworks were merely known, but my passion was always finding solutions to simplify processes and at one point I came in contact with the Symfony Framework when it was still in early stages. As Symfony, although great, became more and more complex, I someday found Laravel to be the better choice for my needs and I realized some project based on Laravel.

As I experiment with producing Electronic Music, I sometimes have questions like "what is the most used key or tempo" in this or that genre? So I started building which uses the Spotify API as the main data source. To get the scaffolding of the website working was relatively easy, using Jeremy Kenedy's Laravel Auth as a boilerplate starting point.

But during development I tried a lot of new technologies to develop unique features other websites don't provide, such as real-time filter features for songs and statistical analysis of nearly 6000 musical sub-genres, so I spent already over 6 months of development on this project. I had to give up some initial ideas and new ones, came up when I played with the data and explored all the genres.

Also, a lot of performance related problems occurred which I never had before, because I've never built a website with such large datasets before. So, there are still a lot of ideas I would like to program and my passion for got even stronger the longer I worked on it. I hope the website is also useful for you.

If you have feature requests or ideas, please feel free to contact me via the contact form.

All the best from Daniel & Maleewan