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Song Tempo BPM & Key for Warte nicht by Marcel Kaestner on Warte nicht

Marcel Kaestner is associated with the following genres background music , background piano
Album Cover
  • Key: G♯, A♭ Minor Camelot: 1A

  • Song Tempo: 130 bpm

    The difference between the Song Tempo and the average Tempo of the Subgenre is -6.47%. Songs in the tempo of 130 BPM
  • The main music genre of the song is New Age / Explore songs, artists and statistics New Age
  • The music subgenre Background Music / Explore songs, artists and statistics
  • Track No. 1 on the album. ISRC: SE5W31912402 Track duration is : 1 minute 38 seconds
  • Listen on Spotify
  • Warte nicht has a song tempo of 130 BPM or half-time counting of 65 BPM and is written in the key of G♯, A♭. Danceability measures how suitable a song is for dancing based on musical elements. This song has a moderate groove with a beat that encourages light movement. It can be enjoyed for casual listening or creating a more engaged atmosphere.
    Energy reflects the intensity and activity level of a song. This track has a relaxed feel. It's perfect for creating a calm atmosphere or unwinding.
    Liveness measures the likelihood that the song was performed live. This track has a very clean and controlled sound, likely produced in a studio setting.
    Speechiness quantifies the presence of spoken words in the song compared to musical content. This track includes some spoken word elements alongside singing. This could be rapping, narration, or vocals with a more conversational style.
    Valence represents the emotional positivity of the song. This track has a neutral or somewhat ambiguous emotional tone. It could be calming or thought-provoking.
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-25.484 db