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Song Tempo BPM & Key for Mr.Vain (Metal Version) by UMC , Matthias Schneck , Jacqueline Schmitt on 90s in Metal

UMC is associated with the following genres
Album Cover
  • Key: B Minor Camelot: 10A

  • Song Tempo: 133 bpm

    Songs in the tempo of 133 BPM
  • Track No. 4 on the album. ISRC: QZ22B1992730 Track duration is : 4 minutes 15 seconds
  • Listen on Spotify
  • Mr.Vain (Metal Version) has a song tempo of 133 BPM or half-time counting of 66 BPM and is written in the key of B . Danceability measures how suitable a song is for dancing based on musical elements. This song has a strong beat and a tempo that invites movement. It's ideal for creating an energetic mood.
    Energy reflects the intensity and activity level of a song. This track has a very high level of energy with a fast tempo and a powerful rhythm. It's ideal for creating an exciting or invigorating mood.
    Liveness measures the likelihood that the song was performed live. This track has a very clean and controlled sound, likely produced in a studio setting.
    Speechiness quantifies the presence of spoken words in the song compared to musical content. This track features a significant amount of spoken word content alongside singing. It could be a song with heavy rapping, spoken word poetry with music, or a blend of both.
    Valence represents the emotional positivity of the song. This track has a neutral or somewhat ambiguous emotional tone. It could be calming or thought-provoking.
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-5.402 db