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Popular R&B Music Artists

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Discover which keys and tempos are mostly used in R&B music

Every artist can be associated to more than one genre. Please take into account that the data is not always 100% accurate. Some songs could have been measured with double or half-time counting!

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R&B music, with its soulful melodies and smooth grooves, has been a cornerstone of popular music for decades. Rooted in the rich traditions of rhythm and blues, this genre continues to captivate audiences with its emotive lyrics and infectious rhythms. In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the intricate world of R&B music, examining the instruments, keys, tempos, and common elements that define the genre.

I. Instruments in R&B Music:

  1. Piano and Keyboards: Setting the Mood
    • Piano and keyboards play a central role in shaping the harmonic and melodic aspects of R&B music.
    • From soulful chords to funky riffs, these instruments provide the foundation for expressive vocal performances.
  2. Bass Guitar: Establishing the Groove
    • The bass guitar forms the rhythmic backbone of R&B music, providing a deep and resonant foundation for the groove.
    • Its melodic and rhythmic interplay with the drums creates a dynamic pulse that drives the song forward.
  3. Drums and Percussion: Adding Flavor
    • Drums and percussion instruments add texture and flavor to R&B music, providing rhythmic accents and fills.
    • From tight snare hits to shimmering cymbal crashes, these elements enhance the overall groove and feel of the song.
  4. Guitar: Adding Soulful Licks
    • The guitar is often used to add soulful licks and melodic flourishes to R&B music.
    • Whether it's a smooth jazz chord progression or a funky rhythm riff, the guitar adds depth and character to the arrangement.
  5. Horns and Brass: Adding Punch and Power
    • Horns and brass instruments are used to add punch and power to R&B arrangements.
    • Whether it's a vibrant horn section or a soulful trumpet solo, these elements elevate the energy and intensity of the music.

II. Keys and Tempos in R&B Music:

  1. Key Considerations
    • R&B music often explores a wide range of keys, from lush and romantic ballads to gritty and bluesy numbers.
    • Key changes are used strategically to evoke different emotions and moods throughout a song.
  2. The Tempo Factor
    • Tempos in R&B music can vary widely, ranging from slow and sensual ballads to upbeat and danceable grooves.
    • Popular tempos include around 70-90 beats per minute (bpm) for ballads and 90-110 bpm for mid-tempo tracks.

III. Common Elements in R&B Music:

  1. Smooth Melodies and Harmonies
    • R&B music is known for its smooth melodies and lush harmonies, often featuring rich vocal arrangements and tight vocal harmonies.
    • Whether it's a heartfelt ballad or an upbeat groove, strong melodies and harmonies are essential elements of the genre.
  2. Emotive Lyrics and Storytelling
    • Emotive lyrics and storytelling are hallmarks of R&B music, with artists often exploring themes of love, heartache, and personal struggle.
    • Whether it's a soulful ballad or an uptempo anthem, R&B lyrics are designed to resonate with listeners on a deep and emotional level.
  3. Groove and Feel
    • The groove and feel of R&B music are crucial to its success, with artists and producers carefully crafting rhythms and arrangements that make listeners want to move.
    • Whether it's a laid-back groove or an infectious dance beat, R&B music is all about capturing the feel-good vibe and getting people on their feet.
  4. Influence of Gospel and Blues
    • R&B music has deep roots in gospel and blues traditions, with artists often drawing inspiration from these genres in their music.
    • Whether it's the soulful vocal delivery or the bluesy chord progressions, the influence of gospel and blues can be heard in every aspect of R&B music.


In conclusion, R&B music is a genre rich in history, soul, and emotion, with a sound that continues to evolve and captivate audiences around the world. From the smooth melodies of the piano to the funky grooves of the bass guitar, every element of R&B music is designed to make listeners feel something deep and profound. By understanding the instruments, keys, tempos, and common elements that define the genre, aspiring artists and fans alike can gain a deeper appreciation for the music and its enduring legacy.

We have analyzed a large amount of R&B music Songs to give you an overview about key and tempo distributions in R&B music. At the bottom of the page, you can find all sub-genres of R&B music to get more details in specific sub-genres as the average tempo per genre.

Most used keys for R&B music

Most used fundamental keys for R&B music

Most used tempo/BPM for R&B music

List of R&B music subgenres with average tempo/bpm

Klick on the subgenre to get detailed statistics for harmonic and tempo distribubion of the subgenre.
Subgenre Average Tempo
afro r&b 116 bpm
afro soul 118 bpm
afrobeats 115 bpm
afrofuturism 117 bpm
alternative r&b 116 bpm
arkansas indie 127 bpm
australian r&b 116 bpm
austrian indie 124 bpm
bboy 114 bpm
beach music 121 bpm
bedroom r&b 123 bpm
bedroom soul 115 bpm
black comedy 106 bpm
boogie 116 bpm
brass band 114 bpm
brazilian soul 110 bpm
brit funk 115 bpm
british soul 116 bpm
bulgarian r&b 111 bpm
canadian contemporary r&b 115 bpm
chicago soul 116 bpm
chill r&b 117 bpm
chinese r&b 120 bpm
chinese reggae
classic praise 111 bpm
classic soul 119 bpm
contemporary gospel 122 bpm
contemporary r&b 114 bpm
dangdut koplo 128 bpm
dark r&b 121 bpm
deep disco 123 bpm
deep funk 110 bpm
deep motown 121 bpm
deep northern soul 117 bpm
deep r&b 115 bpm
deep southern soul 113 bpm
disco 117 bpm
dub 121 bpm
dutch r&b 113 bpm
early reggae 117 bpm
electro-pop francais 122 bpm
experimental r&b 118 bpm
finnish soul 142 bpm
fort worth indie 119 bpm
funk 118 bpm
funktronica 121 bpm
funky breaks 109 bpm
german r&b 111 bpm
go-go 115 bpm
gospel 117 bpm
gospel r&b 113 bpm
gospel soul 132 bpm
hi-nrg 127 bpm
indie r&b 113 bpm
indie soul 111 bpm
indonesian r&b 121 bpm
instrumental funk 113 bpm
instrumental soul 117 bpm
italian reggae 129 bpm
japanese r&b 115 bpm
japanese soul 123 bpm
kenyan r&b 142 bpm
korean r&b 114 bpm
language 156 bpm
lo-fi jazzhop 108 bpm
maimouna 131 bpm
mapouka 137 bpm
memphis soul 121 bpm
mento 95 bpm
minneapolis sound 122 bpm
modern funk 111 bpm
motown 116 bpm
musique tchadienne
musique urbaine brazzaville 116 bpm
musique urbaine kinshasa 121 bpm
neo r&b 113 bpm
neo soul 114 bpm
new jack smooth 117 bpm
new jack swing 115 bpm
new orleans funk 119 bpm
new orleans soul 125 bpm
norsk lovsang 117 bpm
northern soul 120 bpm
norwegian gospel 140 bpm
nu disco 115 bpm
ny roots 121 bpm
oc indie 121 bpm
old school dancehall 118 bpm
p funk 118 bpm
philly soul 106 bpm
pinoy r&b 118 bpm
polish indie 119 bpm
pop r&b 116 bpm
pop soul 116 bpm
popping 114 bpm
post-disco 112 bpm
post-disco soul 113 bpm
praise 117 bpm
psychedelic soul 121 bpm
quiet storm 113 bpm
r&b 115 bpm
r&b argentino 118 bpm
r&b brasileiro 115 bpm
r&b en espanol 118 bpm
r&b italiano 111 bpm
rap calme 121 bpm
rap chretien 97 bpm
reggae 119 bpm
reggae cristao 121 bpm
reggae do maranhao 135 bpm
retro soul 116 bpm
roots reggae 123 bpm
scandinavian r&b 116 bpm
sholawat 115 bpm
slam poetry 123 bpm
slow game 112 bpm
smooth soul 110 bpm
soul 116 bpm
souldies 119 bpm
south african r&b 103 bpm
southern soul 118 bpm
street band 103 bpm
swedish soul 116 bpm
swiss reggae 130 bpm
tarantella 92 bpm
traditional funk 108 bpm
traditional reggae 114 bpm
traditional soul 120 bpm
trap queen 125 bpm
trap soul 122 bpm
uk contemporary r&b 116 bpm
vapor soul 117 bpm
vintage reggae 122 bpm